We want our four-year-olds to love learning at Guidance Academy. Our K4 program emphasizes movement, coordination, social and emotional development, as well as building a Muslim identity and establishing awareness of Allah (SWT) as our Creator.
Below is a sample of what you can expect your four-year-old kindergartener to learn at Guidance Academy.
Movement and Coordination
Physical Attention and Relaxation
Gross Motor Skills
Group Games
Social and Emotional Development
Autonomy & Social Skills (“I can do it by myself”, “I can share”, “I use good manners.”)
Work Habits
Patterns and Classification
Geometry and Measurement
Numbers and Number Sense
Addition and Subtraction (concrete objects)
Science (Learning About the Creation of Allah)
Human, Animal, and Plant Characteristics
Physical Elements (Air, Water, Light)
Introduction to Magnetism
Seasons and Weather
Language and Literacy Development
Nursery Rhymes, Poems, and Fingerplays
Oral Language
Listening to Read-Alouds
Developing a Sense of Rhyme
Print Awareness
Phonemic Awareness
Fine Motor Skills
Visual Arts
Attention to Visual Detail
Exploration and Creation Art Appreciation