Guidance Academy’s curriculum for First graders is focused on enhancing Reading, Mathematics and Writing skills, as well as guiding students towards a comprehensive understanding of History, Science and Visual Arts.

Below is a sample of what you can expect your First Grader to learn at Guidance Academy.

Language Arts

Listening and Speaking

Presentation of Ideas and Information

Reading Comprehension (All Texts, Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction/Informational Text)

Writing (Narrative, Informative/Explanatory, and Persuasive Writing)

Language Conventions

Fiction (Stories, Islamic Fiction, Literary Terms)

Sayings and Phrases

Visual Arts

Art from Long Ago

Elements of Art


Patterns and Classification

Numbers and Number Sense





Living Things and Their Environments

The Human Body

Properties of Matter: Measurement

Introduction to Electricity


The Earth

History and Geography

World Geography

Geographical Terms and Features

Lands of the Prophets

Early World Civilizations

History of World Religions

Modern Civilization and Culture 

American History and Exploration